Discovering Sanity:
Mindfulness Practice in Solitary Confinement
by Gary Allen
Mindfulness practice is an ancient tool for calming mental anguish and anxiety. It’s an effective way to investigate the roots of confusion and unravel the causes of suffering. Mindfulness gives us access to inner resources of sanity and goodness, helping us to cultivate peacefulness and clarity of body and mind. The Mindfulness Peace Project has taught mindfulness practice to inmates in prisons throughout the United States for many years, and this book condenses much of what it has to offer in an easily readable, accessible form.
Discovering Sanity: Mindfulness Practice in Solitary Confinement is for prison inmates living in a cell 23 hours a day who want to learn how to cope with their crazy minds and bring clarity into their lives. This book provides detailed instruction in how to use time in segregation as a way to transform it from a place of alienation and emotional difficulty into an experience of self-understanding and peace. It goes into full detail on how to develop a sitting meditation practice in order to work with difficult emotions and challenging psychological states, and come into a better relationship with oneself, with others, and with the world at large.
Click here to view Table of Contents for the book: Discovering Sanity (Solitary) – Table of Contents
Click here to read an excerpt from the book: Making Friends with Yourself excerpt
GARY ALLEN is the Co-Executive Director of the Mindfulness Peace Project. He has practiced meditation for forty-five years. He’s taught public meditation programs around the United States, in Canada, and in South Korea. He’s been teaching meditation to prison inmates since 1990.
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