Resources for Donation from Ratna Peace Initiative:
We have hundreds of Buddhist books to donate to individual inmates and to prison chapel libraries. While many of our books come from the Tibetan tradition, we also have books from Zen, Theravada, Pure Land, and the Chinese tradition. We have hundreds of dharma magazines to give out, as well. Often prison and chapel libraries have few or no Buddhist books, so we help correct this.
We have other Buddhist media available that are particularly useful for Buddhist groups in prisons, which include DVD’s and CD’s by well-known Buddhist teachers like Pema Chödrön, the Dalai Lama, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, and so on. In this way prison Buddhist groups, who can be isolated and without volunteers, are able receive teachings more directly from authentic Buddhist sources.
We can also provide religious pictures, and, on an individual basis, malas (Buddhist rosaries), as well as some other items for Buddhist practice.
RPI looks to support Buddhist inmates in any way we can find resources to help. Please contact us at to inquire about materials.
For anyone who would like to donate Buddhist CD’s, DVD’s, books, or magazines to RPI, we are largely resourced by individual donors like this. It can be a good way to find something highly positive to do with dharma materials you no longer have a use for, where they can go to support the practice of others. We can also give you a tax receipt for any donations. Contact us at

Seven Auspicious Symbols – Prisoner Art by Chet B.