Generosity is the virtue that produces peace
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Mindfulness Peace Project
Boulder Shambhala Center
1345 Spruce St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Your donation is deeply appreciated. MPP is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit.
“If we give something away, it not only benefits the person who received our gift but will also benefit us because the results of generosity will bring us very close to buddhahood. Whereas if we keep things for ourselves out of attachment, it will likely be the cause of pride, jealousy, hatred, all sorts of negative feelings… ‘If we give things away,’ the Buddha said, ‘then you really possess them because the goodness of the gift becomes inexhaustible; whereas if you keep it, the goodness of the object becomes small and is quickly exhausted.’ ”
— Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche